The end of 2015 was a great year for the MARS Shipyards & Offshore is a period very rich in contracts in the offshore industry. In recent weeks, group companies have obtained orders for the implementation of several important projects – both in the oil & gas and wind power.

Companies from the MARS Shipyards & Offshore are active in various segments of the maritime economy – they repair ships and ships of the same type, and build new units. After several months of slowdown in the offshore segment, we are contracting new orders – says Piotr Słupski, President of the Management Board of MS TFI.

Energomontaż-Północ Gdynia has obtained orders related to the delivery of structures to the Johan Sverdrup mining field. For the K2JV ANS consortium (joint venture Kvaerner Stord and Kellog Brown & Root) we will make over 2,500 tons of structures intended for the Johan Sverdrup mining field, located in the North Sea. The contract will be implemented in 2016-2017, says Łukasz Warczyk, Vice-President of the Management Board of EPG.

Despite the crisis on the offshore market caused by historically low oil prices, EPG’s order portfolio is growing. The contract for Bladt Industries will begin in January. For this client, we will make a residential module weighing 570 tons, which will be delivered to Maersk Drilling. Moreover, EPG has recently established cooperation with Palfinger Dreggen Poland. At its request, four ship cranes will be built in Gdynia – says Łukasz Warczyk. At the same time, EPG is fulfilling an order related to the delivery of a turbogenerator module to the Petrobaltic platform – the entire structure consisting of 4 decks will weigh over 170 tons.

New contracts were also awarded to Western Pomerania. Morska Stocznia Remontowa Gryfia has just obtained orders related to the construction of three offshore containers and the construction of a Lower Jack type structure intended for the “Race Bank Offshore Wind Farm – ROW01” project – says Tomasz Reterski, Deputy Commercial Director for Offshore. MSR Gryfia obtained this order from the neighboring BMO factory, which is an example of good cooperation between the group’s companies. In turn, the offshore containers that will be built at the MSR Gryfia shipyard will be part of the “Ormen Lange/Nyhamna Extension Project” and their final recipients will be ABB and SHELL.

The new BMO factory, which recently obtained an occupancy permit, is also working at full speed. The production of intermediate platforms for the energy giant Dong Energy is already underway in the main hall, and the installation of the largest gantry crane in Europe is nearing completion at the quay.

Even though this year we clearly felt the effects of blocking some investments in the offshore industry, revenues from this segment accounted for over 20% of the group’s total revenues. Taking into account the scale of planned investments in the wind industry, we are optimistic about our chances in this market segment, summarizes Piotr Słupski.