A mission of Energomontaż-Północ Gdynia Inc. is to be a leader in the implementation of interdisciplinary and high quality projects on the market of steel structures with continuous raising of the HSE level.
- Providing the services and production of the highest standards,
- Meeting Client’s requirements and expectations while taking into consideration Company’s interests,
- Continuously improving the effectiveness of processes performed and management of the quality, safety and environment,
- Meeting the requirements of appropriate standards, legal acts, local regulations and the other being in force,
- Maintaining and strengthening the ‘leadership’ position in production and assembly of large-size elements for offshore sector as well as the increase of competitive advantage in this area of activity,
- Striving for continuous improvement of safety conditions at workplaces,
- Preventing incidents and accidents at work, occupational diseases and near misses,
- Involving employees and their representatives for consultations and actions for health and safety at work, environmental protection and quality improvement,
- Constant monitoring of environmental aspects,
- Taking all activities aimed at prevention of the pollution and environmental accidents,
- Effectively using the materials, raw materials and media.
- Involvement of the top management by assuming full responsibility for the effectiveness of quality and environmental protection measures as well as for preventing work-related injuries and ailments and ensuring safe and hygienic workplaces ,
- Maintenance of proper organization of the IMS and integrating the requirements of quality management, HSE and environmental management with business processes,
- Cyclical reviews and assessment of the Integrated Management System,
- Improvement of employees’ professional qualifications, competences and consciousness within the scope of quality, health, safety and environmental protection,
- Modernization and development of the productive capacity,
- Implementation of modern technical, technological and organizational solutions,
- Provision of resources for proper functioning of quality, health, safety and environmental protection,
- Risk assessment at workplace, identification of HSE hazards and their elimination,
- Observance of the principles of prevention and maintenance of readiness to respond to accidents and serious failures,
- Fulfil of law requirements, voluntarily accepted standards and Client’s requirements concerning health and safety,
- Dissemination of information on health and safety hazards among employees and cooperating organizations,
- Ongoing consultation with employees of the effects of activities in the field of occupational health and safety management and environmental protection, and maintenance of tools for the active participation of employees in building this system
- Continuous monitoring of workplaces and working conditions,
- Determination of goals, tasks and programs to the benefit of quality, health, safety and environmental protection,
- Notification of environmental hazards inside and outside of the organization,
Constant improvement of the knowledge of Integrated Management System among employees.