Re-qualification proceedings for the position of Vice President of the EPG Management Board

02 October 2024

Due to the impossibility of selecting a candidate for the position of Vice President of the Management Board of Energomontaż-Północ Gdynia S.A. in restructuring (hereinafter referred to as the “Company”), in the competition for this position announced on September 18, 2023, we hereby inform that, pursuant to § 10 paragraph 2 of the Articles of Association of “Energomontaż-Północ Gdynia” spółka akcyjna in restructuring with its registered office in Gdynia, the Company’s Supervisory Board announces qualification proceedings for the position of Vice President of the Management Board of “Energomontaż- Północ Gdynia” spółka akcyjna in restructuring with its registered office in Gdynia.

Ogłoszenie o postępowaniu kwalifikacyjnym na Wiceprezesa Zarządu EPG

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